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Past Projects

RC has worked with many state-wide agencies and numerous municipalities across Wisconsin.  Projects have ranged from large-scale coordination programs and community education, to smaller short-term staffing assistance.  

Recycling Connections Celebrated 35 Years:  (2016)

RC was recognized through Proclamations by Mike Wiza, Mayor of the City of Stevens Point and Patty Dreier, Portage County Executive, both declaring May as Recycling Connections Corporation Month. The recognition was presented during International Compost Awareness Week (May 1-7, 2016) in
consideration of Recycling Connections’ programming that promotes and supports composting. Click Here to learn more about this milestone year.

Portage County Solid Waste Department:  Solid Waste Education & Program Support   (July 1991 to December 2011)

The PCSWD contracted with RC for a variety of recycling and solid waste services over the last 20 years. Projects have included development & distribution of educational materials, school/youth group presentations, compost events & workshops, media contact, staffing of information line, website maintenance, household hazardous waste collection events, and others.

Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources            

 (April 2009 to June 2010) 

  • RC, in cooperation with Mid-Atlantic Solid Waste Consultants, conducted the 2009 Wisconsin Statewide Waste Characterization Study.

(September 2008 to June 2010) 

  • RC, in cooperation with DNR staff, developed an online Wisconsin Business Recycling Toolkit. RC worked with a contracted web designer and provided them with feedback and content to complete this project. The site is now maintained by the DNR.

(July 2006 to January 2007) 

  • RC, in cooperation with DNR staff and other non-profit organizations, developed a report on viable strategies and approaches for the DNR regarding non-residential (commercial) recycling. The report is called, “Commercial Recycling in Wisconsin: Beyond the Status Quo.”


Wisconsin Be SMART Coalition (July 2005 to December 2009) 
The Wisconsin Be SMART (formerly the Southeast Wisconsin Waste Reduction Coalition) contracted with RC to serve as their fiscal agent and Executive Director. RC also coordinated their programming in southeast and northeast Wisconsin. As of January 1, 2010, the Coalition merged with and transferred its programming to Associated Recyclers of WIsconsin.

Wisconsin Community Mercury Reduction Manual Program (July 2004 to March 2006)
Through a USEPA/WDNR grant, Recycling Connections partnered with the City of Superior to develop a Community Mercury Reduction Manual for municipal implementation of NR 106.145, Wis. Adm. Code. RC assisted with the editing and publishing of the manual.

UW-Extension Solid & Hazardous Waste Education Center Composting Outreach (2002 to July 2004)
University of Wisconsin Extension’s Solid & Hazardous Waste Education Center (SHWEC) contracted with RC for composting outreach to serve Wisconsin residents, communities and businesses. Specific activities included coordinating the Wisconsin Master Composter program (training and support), developing and/or updating SHWEC’s compost fact sheets, surveying Wisconsin Dept. of Natural Resources’ licensed compost sites to update database and information, and providing support and resources for residential and business composting efforts in Wisconsin.

Central Wisconsin Mercury Reduction Program  (April 2002 to November 2003)
Under our founding name of Intra-State Recycling Corporation, Recycling Connections coordinated and administered a USEPA/WDNR community mercury reduction grant to provide education and collection programs in a 3-county (Marathon, Portage, Wood) area. Key partners for the program included county health and solid waste departments and local fire stations. The outreach targeted medical, dental, schools, wastewater treatment facilities, HVAC contractors and dairy sectors. The program featured a permanent collection site plus three satellite collection sites. The program was very successful, collecting over 1,070 pounds of mercury for recycling. This was the largest volume collected for a grant-funded program outside of the Milwaukee or Madison urban areas.

Business Fluorescent Lamp Recycling Outreach (October 2003 – December 2004)
Recycling Connections coordinated and administered a USEPA/WDNR grant for business outreach to promote fluorescent lamp recycling in three central-Wisconsin counties (Marathon, Portage and Wood). Specific activities included:

  • Develop and distribute written materials

  • Conduct a telephone survey

  • Utilize radio and newspaper advertising

Additional Past Partnerships
Recycling Connections has also been involved with the following:

  • Midwest Renewable Energy Association’s Renewable Energy & Sustainable Living Fair(setting up composting program and assisting with on-site recycling program)

  • Portage County Mini-bulk Collection Program (recycling agricultural containers in partnership with Wisconsin Fertilizer & Chemical Association and Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade & Consumer Protection)

  • Linn County, Iowa Master Composter Program (kick-off planning and training)

 Recycling Connections ~  1100 Main Street-Ste 130, Stevens Point, WI 54481 ~ 715.343.0722       
A nonprofit connecting people, resources, and communities to promote waste reduction, reuse, recycling and resource conservation

© 2025 Recycling Connections Corporation

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